Linkek a témában:
Footprint Tunisia Handbook (en)
Arguably the Arab world's most forward-looking state, Tunisia is the subject of a high-spending publicity campaign as its Tourist Board seeks to attract more foreign visitors to this lesser-known Mediterranean destination. Thoroughly revised and updated, Footprint Tunisia Handbook is packed with essential tips for enjoying a trip to the "sun, sea, and sand" capital of North Africa, along with stunning full-color photographs showing the country's key features.
Tunisia, The Rough Guide
Tunisia, the Arab world's most liberal nation, is recognizably Mediterranean in character and, in the north at least, predominantly European in style. Indeed, its popular image seems, at times, to verge on blandness, dominated as it is by the package holiday clichŽs of reliable sunshine, beautiful beaches and just a touch of the exotic. If this seems predictable, however, be assured that it forms only one side of the picture. Beyond the white sands of Jerba and Hammamet, there is a great deal to encourage more independent-minded travel: sub-Saharan oases and fortresses, medieval Islamic cities, and some of the finest of the world's surviving Roman sites.
Útikönyvek - Libri
Tunéziában az UNESCO a következő helyszíneket nyilvánította kulturális világörökséggé:
* Tunisz medinája - hagyományos óváros Tunisz városban;
* Karthágó romjai - az ókori Karthágó fővárosának maradványai;
* Az el-Dzsemi amfiteátrum a rómaiak jelenlétének emléke;
* Kerkaván pun városa és nekropolisza (temetője);
* Szúsza medinája (óvárosa);
* El-Kajraván;
* Dugga/Szugga.
Angol és magyar nyelvű útikönyvek, országismertetők, kézikönyvek Tunéziáról. If the diversity of Tunisia's past cultures and their legacy of monuments comes as a surprise to most first-time visitors, the range of scenery can be even more unexpected. In the north you find shady oak forests reminiscent of the south of France; in southern Tunisia, the beginning of the Sahara Desert, with colossal dunes, oases and rippling mirages. Between the extremes are lush citrus plantations, bare steppes with table-top mountains, and rolling hills as green and colourful (in spring) as any English county. Just offshore lie the sandy, palm-scattered islands of Jerba and Kerkennah.
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