Könyvek az országról

TunéziaTunéziatunezia.lap.hu/9-99hu16725456502004-10-21 00:00:002023-01-01 05:00:50Central Médiacsoport Zrt.centralmediacsoport@centralmediacsoport.hu2004


Angol és magyar nyelvű útikönyvek, országismertetők, kézikönyvek Tunéziáról. If the diversity of Tunisia's past cultures and their legacy of monuments comes as a surprise to most first-time visitors, the range of scenery can be even more unexpected. In the north you find shady oak forests reminiscent of the south of France; in southern Tunisia, the beginning of the Sahara Desert, with colossal dunes, oases and rippling mirages. Between the extremes are lush citrus plantations, bare steppes with table-top mountains, and rolling hills as green and colourful (in spring) as any English county. Just offshore lie the sandy, palm-scattered islands of Jerba and Kerkennah.


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